Azure Billing Data now available in the DoiT console
We are extremely excited to announce that we have now added Azure Billing data for our consolidated customers. Cloud Analytics reports give you instant visibility into your cloud costs and now include all consolidated clouds supported by DoiT. You'll be able to slice and dice your cloud spend and uncover cost and performance optimization opportunities for your organization. Today this improvement will empower our Azure customers to use our most powerful and popular features:
- Reports: Get instant visibility and gain insights into your cloud usage and spending at all levels.
- Dashboards: Maintain multiple dashboards in your DoiT Console to visualize metrics, manage licenses, and access essential data for your organization.
- Create alerts: Track various dimensions in your cloud environments.
- Manage budgets: Define the scope of a budget, for example, a budget for a team or a product.
- Monitor cost anomalies: Monitor cost anomalies in a subset of your overall cloud spend.
- Daily cost digests: Receive daily email digests on your spending for the scope of your attributions.
- Manage organizations: Provide a focused Cloud Analytics experience to a group of users.
- Collaboration: Share critical Azure data with colleagues via Slack and Email
- Integrations: Connect your data to your systems and workflows
Customers configured with Azure billing now have complete access to the full power of the DoiT console - providing even greater multicloud cost and usage visibility.
You can learn about how we've mapped our new Billing Dimensions in the DoiT Help Center. Data is current from January 1st, 2023