BigQuery Audit Logs now available in Cloud Analytics
We are excited to announce that the data backing our BigQuery Lens is now available in our flexible and powerful Cloud Analytics Reporting interface. The breakdown and analysis of your BigQuery usage generates insights, reporting, and recommendations in our BigQuery Lens feature.
Often, you need to get a more customized view of your data than what is provided in the BigQuery Lens. Now, that is possible within our Cloud Cost and Usage Analytics interface. You can now report on cost and usage using new dimensions such as User, Statement Type, Event Name, Query Configuration data, and more.
BigQuery Lens data is imported in near-real time as it is collected, analyzed, and aggregated in our backend. Using this data, you can create custom reports and dashboards to track the KPIs you find most important to govern your BigQuery Usage. Additionally, subscribe to the most important to have insights delivered right to your inbox.
To access this data:
- Enable BigQuery Lens.
- Navigate to Cloud Analytics.
- Click on the "Update" button to the right of Data Source at the top of the configuration panel.
- Choose "BigQuery Lens"
Report on BigQuery usage by User or Heavy Queries by Query Description. Everything is available to use flexibly, use it to create new reports or customized dashboards.