3 years ago
Introducing 'GKE Lens'
GKE Lens provides a way for you to consistently measure your Google Kubernetes Engine clusters against best practices and identify areas for improvement. The GKE Lens dashboard is automatically created when GKE workloads are detected in your accounts and include the following information:
- GKE nodes cost, including forecast
- Master nodes cost
- Top k8s namespaces
- Top k8s clusters
- k8s resources breakdown (CPU, memory, disks)
- Interactive GKE Cost Explorer helping you to drill down from regions to pods interactively.
The information on the GKE Lens is updated every hour to bring the most up-to-date data to your fingertips.
Using GKE but still didn't enable GKE Analytics in Cloud Management Platform? Learn how to onboard yourself to GKE Analytics at https://help.doit-intl.com/cloud-analytics/gke-cost-analytics